Return policy

Return Policy:

    If you receive a product that is damaged in shipping, defective or that is not the product you ordered, please return it to VERISHOP BD and we'll arrange for a replacement. But some conditions apply. Those are:

    - Order must be checked in front of the delivery person (Inside Dhaka).

    - Used or Swatched product will not be considered for exchange or refund.

    - If you find any defect and you think you need to return the product, inform the “Customer Service Department” as soon as possible along with a picture and return it instantly. (Inside Dhaka)

   - If you damage a seal of any sealed  product that can not be returned at all. check the expiry date or shade no and match it before damaging the seal.

    - If product is damaged it must be informed immediately while receiving and retuned within 3 days from the day the product has been received. (Outside Dhaka)

    - Product must be intact, however there can be exception (if the product is damaged).

    If customer wants to change an item without damaging it customer must pay the delivery charge .


    Once we receive your returned product, the product will be inspected by us . It will take 1-2 business days to verify the issue and after verification if it is found that the claim is valid, then the product will be exchanged or money will be refunded.

    If the claim is not valid then VERISHOP BD will not be liable to exchange or return the money.